Bridges to a Shared Future

Recognizing that we share one world and our future is interconnected, BSF relies on the common bond of dance to build a transnational dialogue of mutual understanding, respect, and shared values. Through in-person and virtual programming centered on exploring different styles of dance intrinsic to each country’s heritage, participants learn about each other’s culture, values, people, and country. Bridges to Shared Future is an ongoing collaboration between A.S.E., the Bolshoi Ballet Academy, and students and educators of dance throughout the United States and Russia.
Professional Workshops
Bolshoi Ballet Academy Virtual Masterclass
Pedagogy of Movements En Tournant
& Tour Lent En Dehors/En Dedans:
Female Dancers 14-15
April 10th, 2023 | 9:30-11:00 AM EST
Join us for an exclusive opportunity to learn Bolshoi Ballet Academy's pedagogy directly from one of the Academy's master teachers - Ms. Natalya Revich. Ms. Revich will give a theoretical overview and practical demonstrations with Academy students on teaching movements en tournant en dehors/en dedans and tour lent en dehors/en dedans in large poses for female dancers ages 14-15.
Bolshoi Ballet Academy Virtual Masterclass
Pedagogy of Jumps:
Introduction to Large Jumps for
Male and Female Dancers Ages 14-15
May 10th, 2023 | 9:30-11:00 AM EST
Join us for an exclusive opportunity to learn Bolshoi Ballet Academy's pedagogy directly from one of the Academy's master teachers - Ms. Natalya Revich. Ms. Revich will give a theoretical overview and practical demonstrations with Academy students on teaching Introduction to large jumps for male & female dancers ages 14-15.
Additional Masterclasses to be announced!
Participation is by invitation only. If you have not collaborated with any of A.S.E./Academy programs in the United States and want to be considered for this or future Workshops, please submit your request by clicking below. You will be contacted if your request can be accommodated.

Bolshoi Ballet Academy Virtual Masterclass
Pedagogy of Jumps:
Beginner and Intermediate Ages
December 19th, 2022 | 9:00-11:00 AM EST
Pedagogues from around the world gathered to learn Bolshoi Ballet Academy's Pedagogy directly from one of the Academy's Master Teachers. The Virtual Masterclass provided a theoretical overview and practical demonstrations with Academy's students on teaching jumps for female dancers for beginner and intermediate ages.
Martha Graham Virtual Masterclass
Technique and History
December 13th, 2022 | 9:00-11:00 AM EST
A.S.E. Global Bridges partnered with the Martha Graham School to conduct a Martha Graham technique class with the Bolshoi Ballet Academy's students who gathered at the Academy and beyond. We are proud to promote cross-cultural exchange between such esteemed institutions and share educational opportunities for dancers and educators.

Martha Graham Virtual Masterclass
Technique and History
November 30th, 2022 | 9:00-11:00 AM EST
A.S.E. Global Bridges partnered with the Martha Graham School to share the Graham history and technique with the Bolshoi Ballet Academy's students who gathered at the Academy and beyond. We are thrilled that this cross-cultural exchange of such esteemed institutions, through the unifying platform of dance, enables us to learn about each other's history, values, and culture.
Bolshoi Ballet Academy Virtual Masterclass
Pedagogy of Turns and Pirouettes: Beginner and Intermediate Ages
November 16th, 2022 | 9:00-11:00 AM EST
Pedagogues from around the world gathered to learn Bolshoi Ballet Academy's Pedagogy directly from one of the Academy's Master Teachers. The Virtual Masterclass provided a theoretical overview and practical demonstrations with Academy's students on teaching turns for female dancers for beginner and intermediate ages.